Are you a freelancer or someone having the advantage to work on online jobs from home every now and then? If yes, then you already know the perks of being your own employer, working in your own congenial hours, at your own pace, in your own comfort zone and at your own terms. We all know the benefits of work from home opportunities but only a few of us, who work from home understands the consequences and the struggles that have to be faced with our own self while working from home.
With the added advantage of “You are being your own BOSS” also comes a great responsibility to act as “Your own BOSS” literally. You still get to work as and when you want but being in your own comfortable zone, sitting in that warm and cozy bed on a winter morning and deciding to get up and start working on your laptop or on your work from home business, become a very difficult decision. Well to make such decisions and be able to enjoy a luxurious life while working from home needs strong motivation and will power.
Today, we will share some tips to help you to stay inspired and be your best BOSS:
- Schedule your day: The first question that comes to mind is “Why prepare a schedule when you are no more working for an organization which demands your hands on work for 9 hours a day?” The simple answer being without planning your day in advance, you would never be able to complete your work on time and at the end of day would feel overloaded with your freelancing tasks. As per your number of tasks and comfort, decide your working hours at home and try working in those hours in a disciplined manner.
- Create a dedicated Working space: Always have a personalized working space at home where you could work with your whole concentration, focus and a good peace of mind. Imagine this dedicated area as your Concentration chamber and devote your scheduled working hours functioning in this zone and trust me “Never consider your sleeping place as your Work place”.
- Maintain a Work-Life balance: Work-life balance is essential whether you are a work from office employee or a work from home boss. With fixed working hours at office, employees get the benefit of maintaining a Work-Life balance but being a work from home freelancer, your working hours are what you choose them to be, so many a times you tend to over-stress yourself, disrupting your schedule and your mental and physical health. Always try to manage this balance by having fun with productivity.
- Maintain Social Interaction: I read somewhere that “The day you start enjoying your own company, you won’t need anybody else ever”. Well, that is completely true, but you still need that social interaction going on to be able to feel alive. So don’t let your freelancing jobs and tasks repel you from meeting new people or losing your interest in having social interactions. Step out of your comfort zone at least once in a while, enjoy nature, meet up with friends, go on trips and never let your bossy self, stop you from being a clumsy employee from time to time.
- Enjoy your hobbies: Take advantage of being a freelancer and choose this time wisely to spend on your interests and hobbies. This will not only help you to have fun and enjoyment in your life but will also help you to stay innervated, energetic and enthusiastic and eventually will enhance your overall productivity.
Being a freelancer is an amazing opportunity and if done with entire devotion, can help you to relish your life while earning a handsome amount of money at the end of every month. But to be able to enjoy the pros of a freelancing job and get unaffected by the cons of the same entirely depends upon how you deal with it. So always stay ambitious and remain devoted towards your work so that you can enjoy your life as well as the job you wish to work on.